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Microhacks / Crunch
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterCommand line image manipulation, set up a pipeline once and run it against all of your assets
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Base image for Gitlab CI with preconfigured tools
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Docker components for building Bevy based games. Includes Crunch for working with asset files
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Microhacks / Wasm Sockets
MIT LicenseA Mirror/Fork of the https://github.com/scratchyone/wasm-sockets Project, with patches
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Louis / open-baba
Apache License 2.0A simple browser clone of the Baba Is You rules-as-gameplay game mechanic
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Louis / rust-swerve
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyQuick and easy multithreaded file server for local front end development
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Microhacks / Deep Space Derelict
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Microhacks / Bevy Sprite Animations
Apache License 2.0Easily manage complex 2D sprite animations in your Bevy projects
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Microhacks / Bevy World Utils
Apache License 2.0Handy, reusable utilities for working with direct world access in a Bevy exclusive system
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Microhacks / Ludum Dare 51
Apache License 2.0Updated -